It is anticipated that in October 2024 we will move to a new HRS Examination process. We will notify all associate members and update the website once this process has been finalised.
A person who has been deemed Not Yet Competent in a Competency examination may apply in writing to the ACAud Board, through the Secretariat, to appeal the decision giving full and complete details of the reason for their appeal which must include information which will establish to the satisfaction of the Board that the examination outcome resulted from a genuine fault or breakdown in the examination process. The appeal must be lodged within one calendar month of the date of notification of failure. An appeal fee will apply and must accompany the appeal. If the appeal is successful the fee will be refunded.
A person who has been deemed Not Yet Competent may not reapply for examination in that competency for a period of three (3) months from the date of advice of the failure and must remain under supervision during this period.
A person who has been deemed Not Yet Competent at an examination in this Competency on the second occasion must revert to level two of the supervision table and may not reapply for examination for a period of three (3) months from the date of advice of the result and must re-sit the examination in that competency within a period of twelve (12) months. Notice of this failure will be advised to the Supervisor/s. Associate member and Supervisor are required to advise the Secretariat in writing how you are going to change supervision to improve the applicants knowledge/performance. The Associate is required to submit papers on selected topics based on areas of the first resit and case study.
A person who has reapplied for examination for the third time must go to Special Exam, one examiner from amongst the Fellows and one Examiner from amongst the Senior Members of ACAud or a like professional body will be appointed. The Associate member and Supervisor are required to advise the Secretariat how knowledge has been improved. A written examination needs to be passed before Associate is eligible to resit the HRS examination. A written paper/s on specified topics deemed Not Yet Competent previously to be submitted to all examiners and if considered sufficient the Associate candidate can proceed to examination.
A person deemed not competent in HRS (Hearing Rehabilitation Specialist) examination on the fourth occasion will be downgraded to Affiliate membership. Please note, as an Affiliate member you are no longer able to carry out any clinical duties or internship program with ACAud.