
Associate Members must hold a minimum Masters of Audiology from an Australian University. Once application for Associate Membership is approved by ACAud a minimum 6 month supervision program is required to be undertaken.

Hours of Supervision*








1 – 4






30 hours per week which includes:


15 hours per week of Level 1 Elbow Supervision


15 hours per week Level 1 General Supervision


Total Minimum Hours for Level 1: 120 hours (60hrs Elbow)






Case Files




5 – 14






15 hours per week which includes:


7.5 hours per week of Level 2 Elbow or Level 2 Virtual Supervision


7.5 hours per week Level 2 General Supervision


Total Minimum Hours for Level 2: 150 hours (75hrs Elbow/Virtual)






Case Files



15 – 26





7.5 hours per week which includes:


7.5 hours per week of Level 3 General Supervision


Total Minimum Hours for Level 3: 90 hours





Case Files

*Minimum Internship Program duration = 26 weeks
** Special consideration may be given for rural & remote locations.   Reviewed on a case by case basis upon application

Logged hours are based on full time equivalent employment (38 hours per week)

Pro rata applied as a percentage of employed hours. Please note ACAud Secretariat to be advised of employed hours.

At Elbow/Virtual Supervision

·       Level 1 Elbow Supervision – Supervisor is in the same room (Elbow) with the Associate & client for the duration of the consultation/s.  The Supervisor has no caseload during this time and is 100% available for the Associate’s caseload.

·      Level 2 Elbow Supervision – Supervisor is in the same room with the Associate & client for the duration of the consultation/s.  The Supervisor has no caseload during this time and is 100% available for the Associate’s caseload.

·    Level 2 Virtual Supervision – Supervisor must be online in virtual meeting/s with Associate & Client for the duration of the consultation/s.  The Supervisor has no case load during this time and is 100% available for the Associate’s caseload.


General Supervision

·       Level 2 General Supervision – Supervisor must be available via phone, conference call or in person.  

·       Level 3 General Supervision – Supervisor must be available via phone, conference call or in person.  

Supervisor Requirements

Primary Supervisor (required)

Must have held Full Membership with a PPB (Practitioner Professional Body) for a minimum of 3 Years

Secondary Supervisor (optional)

Must hold Full Membership with a PPB (Practitioner Professional Body)

**PPB (Practitioner Professional Body) include ACAud, Audiology Australia & HAASA

Supervisory Plan and DRS Audiology Competency Matrix must be submitted and approved by ACAud prior to 6 month supervision program commencing.

Upon completion of each level of supervision log books & quarterly supervision reports must be submitted in order to progress to the next level of supervision.

Levels 1 & 2 Supervision require onsite supervision. Level 3 supervision means you have the ability to work offsite from your supervisor.

Upon completion of the 6 month supervision program with ACAud there is no further examination.

Membership Upgrade

Once supervision program is completed you will be upgraded from Associate Member of ACAud to Full/Ordinary Audiologist member of ACAud. As a Full/Ordinary Member of ACAud you will be eligible to apply for a Qualified Practitioner number with the Office of Hearing Services.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact ACAud:
E | 

P | (07) 3839 1622

M | 0429 357 375